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Fact: More than 15 vulnerabilities were discovered EVERY day of 2009
DGNews is small and simple but powered news publishing. Easy installation, no programing required. But you can still change whatever you want (for advanced users). Features: add unlimited categories, automatic news image thumbnailed, click count,
user comment, print view and many others. Include full lay out, but sure, you can modify what you need.
External References:
Mitre CVE: CVE-2007-0692
NVD NIST: CVE-2007-0692
OSVDB: 34226
DGNews is small and simple but powered news publishing.
A security problems in the product allows attackers to gather the true path of the server-side script
Release Date:
May 28 2007
Risk: Low
CVSS Metrics:
Access Vector: Remote
Access Complexity: Low
Authentication: Not-required
Confidentiality Impact: Partial
Integrity Impact: None
Availability Impact: None
Impact Bias: Normal
CVSS Base Score: 2.3
Target Distribution on Internet: Low
Exploitability: Functional Exploit
Remediation Level: Workaround
Report Confidence: Uncorroborated
Vulnerability Impact: Attack
Host Impact: Path disclosure
SecureScout Testcase ID:
TC 17950
Vulnerable Systems:
DGNews version 2.1
Vulnerability Type:
Program flaws - The product scripts have flaws which lead to Warnings or even Fatal Errors.
Dian Gemilang
Vendor Status:
The Vendor has been notified several times on many different email addresses last on 14 May 2007. The Vendor has not responded. There is no official fix at the release of this Security Advisory.
To prevent path disclosure attacks following steps should be done:
Disable warning messages: modify in the php.ini file following line: display_errors = Off. Or modify .htaccess file (this will work only for the apache servers).
http://[TARGET]/[PRODUCT-DIRECTORY]/news.php?go=fullnews&newsid[]=1 OR http://[TARGET]/[PRODUCT-DIRECTORY]/news.php?go=fullnews&newsid=`
<b>Your Comment</b><br><br /><b>Warning</b>: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in <b>[DISCLOSED PATH]\ [PRODUCT-DIRECTORY] ews.php</b> on line <b>159</b><br />There's no comment for this news yet. You could the first.<br>
Jesper Jurcenoks
Co-founder netVigilance, Inc
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