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Fact: More than 15 vulnerabilities were discovered EVERY day of 2009
REMLAB is a fully functional cross-platform web-based Battlemech designer for the tactical board game Battletech. REMLAB is built entirely on HTML, PHP, and JavaScript with AJAX functionality. The vulnerability exists in calculate.php
script which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information via an HTTP request to calculate.php that contains wrong value in Tonnage parameter. This causes the information to be leaked in an error message.
External References:
Mitre CVE: CVE-2006-5896
NVD NIST: CVE-2006-5896
OSVDB: 30264
REMLAB is a fully functional cross-platform web-based Battlemech designer for the tactical board game Battletech.
A security problem in the product allows attackers to gather the true path of the server-side script.
Release Date:
November 27 2006
Risk: Low
CVSS Metrics
Access Vector: Remote
Access Complexity: Low
Authentication: not-required
Confidentiality Impact: Partial
Integrity Impact: None
Availability Impact: None
Impact Bias: Normal
CVSS Base Score: 2.3
Target Distribution on Internet: Low
Exploitability: Functional Exploit
Remediation Level: Workaround
Report Confidence: Uncorroborated
Vulnerability Impact: Attack
Host Impact: Path disclosure.
SecureScout Testcase ID:
TC 17937
Vulnerable Systems:
REMLAB Web Mech Designer 2.0.5
Vulnerability Type:
Input Validation error - The calculate.php script has a flaw which leads to a Warning. This is an input validation fault when the script is not testing the data passed.
Vendor Status:
The Vendor has been notified on November 14th 2006. But has not responded. There is no official patch at this time.
Disable warning messages: modify in the php.ini file the following line: display_errors = Off.
HTTP REQUEST http://[TARGET]/[REMLAB-directory]/include/calculate.php?Tonnage=%60
<b>Warning</b>: Division by zero in <b D:\WWWRoot\<username>\calculate.php</b> on line <b>438</b><br /> ,,0.00,,1,,2,,12,,12,,8,,8,,2,,2,,10,,0.0,,0.0
Jesper Jurcenoks
Co-founder netVigilance, Inc
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